Karies-befallene Zähne und Knochenbrüche mit Ultraschall heilen
Letztes Update: 04. April 2014 #
geil: HAs anyone had the new LIPUS tooth regrowth technique? A friend out of state did it for 2 broken teeth and they grew back over 18 months. Does anyone do this here?
Nov 10, 2009
May 12, 2010 There is a dental clinic in Westchester my brother participated in the tests they are doing it and he had amazing results and no pain at all. He participated in the clinical trials and regrew 2 teeth, they didn't even charge him for it. I do not think it is available as a walk-in treatment just yet. The weirdest part was that the regrown teeth looked exactly like the originals right down to the shape and size. Drawbacks were only some soreness. They said it will be maybe a year or two before it is available in the US. For now you might have to go to Canada.
Within 5-10 years it will be common.
It's a gimmick if you consume high amounts of fat soluble vitamins in your diet(A, D, E, and K) from whole food sources (liver, heart, yolks). You will remineralize your teeth. The only reason why peoples teeth are weakened and getting cavities, abcesses, and breaking is because there are no fat soluble vitamins in
Your diet, do the research, a healthy tooth will not decay.
>You're right. Although I've lost two teeth, I eliminated my gum issues by taking cod liver oil. The device relies on Infrared light among other various frequencies to regenerate the teeth. Seems replicable and patenting might be their major issue than any other.
Wait for Dr.Jeremy Mao, he will probably provide the steem cells technique within the next 3 years
Lips CANNOT regrow a new teeth. Nor will it be able to regrow or repair damaged enamel etc, etc. If it ever comes onto the market, it will be for regrowing part of your jawbone &/or helping re-attach a freshly knocked out tooth.
This is what they said to me: On Sat, Aug 25, 2012 at 11:48 AM, PR Team
wrote: M. A., you should read only what we have on the site. Much hype is on the net today, not to be used as fact. An outfit first in China, and another now in England claims to have grown a new tooth in a mammalian. Once we have sufficient resources we intend to send a team to England to investigate this. So we work on what members throw into the expense account looking for the most important results. rejuvenating, equipment is next on our agenda. Again the cost of building and then testing it for a year is in line in our planning. Dentin, pulp, bone density, Gum, strengthening while eliminating bacteria, virus, and carries are what we experience here. The claimed new growth of a tooth in two countries has not been proven by our research teams as yet. Recent change for the foundation is that only members receive Lipus units, free of charge as long as they keep up their membership with yearly fees used to advance general health conditions against RA., Osteoporosis, and enamel loss. So it most likely does regrow teeth but wont be available for awhile. Also ur gonna have to cough up some dough.
responsible for the creation is SmileSonica. I did email the company regarding its use and if it'll help me in my severe root resorption from braces. They said it will PREVENT root resorption during orthodontic treatment, and it will come out within 12 months. So, no luck for me, I'll just wait for stem cells.
Also google "current status on low intentisty pulse ultrasound," and it'll give you current information on the LIPUS
EXOGEN is a LIPUS device with a transducer. It costs around $5000, but I got it for $435 I already got mine used only 14 times. Im using it to grow some teeth back and its working well.
alles aus
(I have heard a small few people get a third set of teeth after their baby & adult ones are gone), I think genetically humans in their present state are so degraded and degenerate that the DNA combinations to activate our full regenerative abilities are inactive, part of what science calls "Junk" DNA.
Activation of our full DNA capabilities might give us back our full scale regeneration which would otherwise be the norm for human beings. Adult teeth really should grow back once lost, and regenerate to maturity when chipped or heal fully before serious decay sets in. I just wish I knew the correct science to make this a reality.
Cynically, I suppose that the Dental industry would bury such knowledge if it came to light, maybe kill off the one who came up with the answer. What would the world of teeth be like if there was no dentistry required as they took care of themselves?
I have heard that apparently people can even regrow limbs using such/similar devices. Dr Bob Beck talked about this
These threads contain vital information. I found out about using hydrogen peroxide as mouthwash/tooth paste here and the results have been excellent. The dentist said I needed a tooth pulled as it was very painful and I could not chew on it. Now the pain is gone, and I can even chew soft foods on that molar, although I still have to be careful not to bite down hard.
Do not use pharmaceutical hydrogen peroxide, it has toxic stabilizers.
Yes hydrogen peroxide is fantastic for getting rid of toothache.
Pasteurized milk provides very little if any useable calcium for humans. Raw organic milk intact with enzymes is a great source of calcium and other nutrients.
Vicco tooth powder it is Ayurvedic.
Oh yes the enamel can definitely be remineralized.
You must avoid glycerin at all costs.
Avoid certain types of sugar (cane, corn, beat).
The best foods for the teeth/enamel are actually rich in silica as well as calcium and other things. Silica is underrated but is very, very important. Essentially wild foods, horsetail, greens and things like that - if you're chewing on that stuff your teeth will thank you.
From personal experience, I find coconut oil or spirulina to be the most beneficial mouthwashes for the teeth and gums. I don't know what it is about spirulina, it makes an immediate difference if your teeth have been feeling sensitive (probably due to a diet promoting decay)
Erfahrungen gemacht hat mit "niedrig intensiv gepulstem Ultraschall zur Unterstützung der Knochenheilung"
uns in der BGUnfallklinik auf die o.g. Methode aufmerksam.
habe KV von Exogen und Lipus
Smith & Nephew EXOGEN 4000+ Ultrasound Bone Healing System
The typical Exogen 4000 lasts well beyond 250 uses per battery life.
rückruf: http://www.accessdata.fda.gov/scripts/cdrh/cfdocs/cfRes/res.cfm?ID=82572
großartige info: http://traumataj.blogspot.de/2011/07/week-10-exogen-4000-ultrasound-therapy.html
kommerzielle beschreibung: http://web.archive.org/web/20130827234125/http://www.sdcdeals.com/products/exogen4000
Bedienungsanleitung en: http://www.smith-nephew.com/global/assets/pdf/products/exogen_ifu_11_09.pdf
Ca. 400USD auf http://www.amazon.com/Nephew-EXOGEN-Ultrasound-Healing-System/dp/B00EU4RE2O
Gebraucht auf Ebay Ca. EUR 217,99 http://www.ebay.de/itm/EXOGEN-4000-BONE-HEALING-SYSTEM-ONLY-USED-6-TIMES-GREAT-CONDITION-SMITH-NEPHEW-/110885916337
If used properly with enough gel and proper skin contact this unit really works. The manufacturer's rep states that without medical insurance they will sell this unit new for up to a 90% discount i.e. $450.00.
Technische Daten:
- Intensitätsverhältnis (TM/TA)? 5,3
- Amplitudenmoduliert (gepulst)
- Pulsdauer: 200µs
- Wiederholungsrate: 1KHz
- Betriebsfrequenz: 1,5 MHz
- BNR 4,0 Maximum SATA= 30mW/cm²
- Effektiver Strahlenbereich: 3,88cm²
- Temporäre durchschnittliche Leistung: 117mW
- Geschützt durch US-Patente 4,530,360; 5,520,612; 5,556,372; 6,261,249
Smile Sonica
Noch nicht am Markt. The ultrasonic dental technology we are commercializing was invented at the University of Alberta, Canada. The tests showed impressive results in small-scale animal and human trials. The company is now adapting this experimental dental technology to the commercial usage requirements of a dentist’s office or even a patient’s home.
Metron Accusonic Plus
The compact and easy-to-use Accusonic Plus therapeutic ultrasound offers 1 and 3 MHz from the one detachable applicator. Features include: up to 10 treatment programs that can be stored for quick and easy applications, an LED bar graph to display the amount of ultrasound transmission, internal service software that runs the calibration procedures and communicates with each transducer to correctly monitor and control frequency and contact sensing.
Accusonic Plus Specifications
Modulation Modes Continuous or Pulsed
Pulse Frequency 100 Hz +/- 2%
Pulse Period 10 milliseconds +/- 2%
PulseWidth 1.0, 2.0, 5.0 milliseconds +/- 2%
Pulse Duty Cycle 1:9 (10%), 1:4 (20%), 1:1 (50%) respectively +/- 2%
Metron AccuSonic Lipus Low Intensity Pulsed Ultrasound Unit, M980 (Jetzt: Patterson Medicals)
gefunden auf:http://www.eraymedical.com/meaclilowinp.html
Item Code : MN-M980
Regular price : $1,495.00
SALE PRICE : $1,245.00
vermutlich nur noch andere Modelle Metron® Accusonic Advantage und Metron® Accusonic Plus http://www.pattersonmedical.com
aber: auf https://www.pattersonmedical.co.uk/app.aspx?cmd=get_item&id=33536
Patterson Medical Item #: 09-136-2086
Description: accusonic lipus low intensity ultrasound
1 @ £795.00 / EA
Low Intensity Pulsed Ultrasound to accelerate the rate of connective tissue healing
A major goal for clinicians when treating patients with a connective
tissue injury is to facilitate the return of function, ideally in the shortest
time possible. One method of accomplishing this is to accelerate the
rate of tissue healing. Accusonic LIPUS represents a modality that has
the potential to accomplish this. The Accusonic LIPUS is an ultrasoundbased
intervention device that has been designed specifi cally to
facilitate the healing of injuries concerned with connective tissues.
While ultrasound therapy has been used for many decades to treat
connective tissue injuries, its use has not been met with overwhelming
success. TheLIPUS brings a new direction to ultrasound therapy, one
that has evolved from scientific evidence.
Ultrasound Output
• Frequency: 1.1MHz +/- 10%
• Output Intensity: 100mW/cm² +/-
• Applicator Surface Area: 9.0cm² +/- 4%
• Effective Radiating Area: Nominally 5.0cm² +/- 20%
• Beam Nonuniformity Ratio: Nominally 5:1 +/- 20%
• Pulsed Modulation: Pulse Frequency: 100Hz +/- 3%
• Pulse Period: 10 milliseconds +/- 3%
• Pulse Width: 2.0 milliseconds +/- 3%
• Pulse Duty Cycle: 1:4 (20%) +/- 3%
This product may be referenced by 09-136-2086, 091362086 or ULS200
Lipus.org Foundation
You can email the LIPUS foundation at edu@lipus.org to order the device. The price is $4320 which pays for production, testing, sterilization, and shipping (which takes about 5 weeks). I talked to the foundation for this information. The device is the size of a telephone receiver and the voltage is 115V.
Bioventus EXOGEN
Vorsicht! Dieses Gerät funktioniert nur mit eingelegter SD-Karte. Sobald alle gespeicherten Behandlungen verbraucht sind, schaltet es ab.
• EXOGEN® Ultraschall-Knochenheilungssystem – ein Produkt, das in Europa zur Beschleunigung der Heilung frischer Knochenbrüche und zur Heilung von Knochen verwendet wird, bei denen die Heilung entweder verzögert erfolgt (verzögerte Frakturheilung) oder ganz unterbrochen ist (Pseudarthrose). EXOGEN hat nachgewiesenermaßen 86 Prozent der nicht heilenden Frakturen* geheilt und die Heilung frischer Frakturen um 38 Prozent beschleunigt.** EXOGEN wird weltweit in verschiedenen Ländern durch Bioventus entwickelt und vermarktet.
From outside the UK? Enquire now for details of a provider in your area. http://www.healmybone.com/contact-us
Deutsche Broschüre:
Bedienungsanleitung de ähnliches gerät Bioventus: http://www.exogen.com/elements/media/international/Sonic_IFU_OUS-Rev0_DE.pdf
Bioventus Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bpreKvUdjCM
EXOGEN® - Wirkmechanismus https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u9_ekAo1J4w
Osteotron IV LIPUS
hersteller: ITO Japan http://www.itolator.co.jp/english/international/physiotherapy/osteotron4/index.html
zuerst gesehen auf http://www.emsphysio.co.uk/product/ultrasound/osteotron-iv/
·Easy probe attachment with dedicated probe retainer
·Excellent BNR (Beam nonuniformity ratio?) and ERA (Effective Radiating Area ) for safe, effective therapy http://www.fda.gov/ohrms/dockets/ac/00/backgrd/3624b1m.pdf
1792€ in Irland auf: http://www.medrehabneeds.com/shop/electrotherapy/product/22--osteotron-iv-ultrasound-bone-growth-stimulator
2750 USD http://www.accesshealth.com.au/hospital-nursing-home/medical-equipment/84/ito-osteotron-4-lipus/
vorgägner 2650€ in italien http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/OSTEOPOROSI-TERAPIA-FARMA-OSTEOTRON-NEW-AGE-2-ANNI-GAR-/290537830516
vorgänger in indien: OSTEOTRON 3 http://www.grahaismaya.co.id/products/ito/osteotron-iii/
Technische Daten:
- Dreistufige Output Kontrolle
- 2 Ultraschall-Frequenzen: 1,5 MHz or 0,75 MHz (optional), für oberflächliche oder tiefe Brüche
- Pulsfrequenz: 100Hz oder 1000 Hz
- Ultraschall-Intensität: 30mW /cm2, 45 mW/cm2 oder 60mW/cm2 (SATA)
- 20 oder 30min Timer
- CE-Kennzeichnung
- 2 Ausgabekanäle für mehrfache gleichzeitige Anwendung
- Batterie- oder Netzbetrieb
- 98 × 40 × 145 mm 240g
Weitere Geräte
EBI OrthoPak ® 2 Bone Growth Stimulator gefunden auf http://www.aaos.org/govern/federal/issues/HumanaBoneGrowthStimulators.pdf
CMF OL1000™
a bone stim made by Orthologic von http://www.ridemonkey.com/forums/f19/anyone-one-use-exogen-4000-bone-healing-system-203703/ viel insight nochmal lesen
Orthofix Orthopedics – Physio Stim® ist ein Magnetfeldtherapiegerät. (Mass DOJ) gefunden auf http://www.cafepharma.com/boards/showthread.php?t=379863&page=3
Es bleibt also spannend. Ich werde berichten.